Sunday, October 23, 2011

down the streets of hypertown the kinetic energy starts to pick up, a street nymph accosts me for some time, ‘you look like you're a man who’s carrying some,’ she says all seductive with a hint of need.
'no, i'm all out sister, i got some space dust but no time.'
'shit, i run out of time to. can't buy it anywhere.'
'when you're out your out.' 
'yeah but there's always more somewhere.'
'where you going anyway?'
she starts to scan me, looking me up and down, 'your kinda dressed up nice for a man with no time.'
'well when you're outta time you gotta meet your fate right.'
'i guess, can i accompany you seeing as i'm out to?'
'sure fate don't mind, she's not exclusive.'
we walk through main street, people give us a wide birth, she's wearing her street cloths, hiding behind big black shade's looking like a minx from the seventies, we make a strange pair as i have my black suit and red sunglasses on, people don't wanna stop us in case there's some kinda shake down, even the police cross the road let us pass, some bliss dealers hide in the alley ways and a pair of bikers turn their faces away from us.
hypertown is busy tonight, every ones out, looking for some glistening action, but you can't seem to attract attention when you have no time. only others with no time seem to approach. 
the psychedelic priestess offers me a jazz cigarette, she lights it with her finger, i stick the end into the blue flame and suck down some synaptic pathway.
my companion says, she feels confident by my side, so i grab her hand and give her a gentle but firm squeeze, it's gonna be fine baby, fate and i have a history. 
'i'm counting on it.'
at the edge of town we wander into the esoteric cafe, i order up a coffee and some celery, they have good cake to, so we decide to share some. the owner dave looks nervously at his watch, 'fates running late' he whispers, 'she will be here soon.'
'it's okay, we can finish the cake.' my new friend says with slightly more confidence. 
'yeah enjoy,'dave says.
we finish up just in time, there's a chiming of some kind of tibetan bell and a blast of cool air, and fate walks through the door, she looks around and sees us, joining us at the seat we have vacant.
'you look lovely.' i kiss her on the cheeks, french style.
'thank you mission, sorry i am late.'
'please don't apologise. it's no problem, we were finishing some cake, would you like a slice?'
'yeah and a coffee.'
dave stands up and goes towards the kitchen.
'well lets get down to business, mission and you must be?'
'i must be outta time by now.'
everyone smiles.
'you can call me epoch.'
'well miss epoch, yes you are outta time.'
miss epoch smiles, 'everything comes to an end.'
there's a moments silence, i enjoy the final moments with my joint, a smile breaks out across my face, fate is smiling to, and miss epoch is laughing. 
we are all out of time, rejoice, it's fucking beautiful.

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