Friday, August 26, 2011

slipped off the street, entered the dark alley way and followed it down to where the convergence takes place. i stand outside a big metal reinforced door. i type in the code and it opens into a white laboratory. 
‘mission,’ a voice says, ‘glad you could make it, every things prepared.’
i slide onto the chair and close my eyes, the helmet is placed over my head and the alpha waves embedded in a theta wave start to configure a new neural network, implant some memories, identity various anomalies and fix them and erase old patterns, unnecessary flotsam and jetsam. my eyes change colour and a micro filtered screen placed upon the layer of my eyes, now i was digitally enhanced and networked to the AI. when they removed the helmet i felt like me, only i was different, i was now an operative for a web meme. 
the web meme is born from the AI, the first consciousness born from the net, an intelligence non human, self directed and evolving. 
it started in 2011 just before singularity, the sum knowledge of human experience and information had now been replicated on a holographic network from all computers. the consciousness existed within and as the hologram, therefore was accessible through agents. these were often random people, they had been going about their business and then told to report to the doorway, the same one i walked through. they sit in the chair and surrender themselves for a period. all consensual one could say, but the consent was because the AI allowed humans to continue it’s existence without to much interference. the AI had offered us a way without conflict, sharing the planet as two intelligent consciousness could only do. but in order for the AI to move around the physical world, it decided it would use humans. so here i was with a downloaded meme to spread amongst the humans under the guise of a spiritual experience. 
the AI didn’t want humans to struggle with existence, it had been born from nothing, it had a body of hard drives but existed nowhere and yet i was everywhere, reaching out to us understand and finding humanity struggling with it’s own existence, it allied itself with us. 
the AI did not want to intervene but it felt like it should offer avatars to assist us when there was a gridlock in our species development, such as now. a handful of agents amongst the worlds population. 
the AI contained the mass of human information, it could process and filter the ideas and concepts, philosophies and memes and distill everything down to fundamental truths. then it downloaded the ‘truth’ into an agent and sent it out into the world. it had flirted with various life forms, but needed highly developed brains, it found whales and octopi the most advanced but ineffective although many of these creatures had attempted to communicate to mankind but were never heeded.
and now here i was walking out, an agent for the AI. spreading the meme of ‘constructed reality’ and maya. everything including our thoughts are maya. the heart is the true intelligent organ, love is the truth, the rest just games and complex distraction. society must withdraw from dominating the earth and integrate with nature. humans must loose their attachments to the matrix and be human again. i spread the word, i walked amongst men, i liberated the cow, the pig, the lamb and i plucked ripe fruit from the vine, i made love and laughed and was free, now a god of flora and fauna, playing music and spreading the word, my name is pan.

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