Sunday, August 28, 2011

amongst the humans, i weave my way inconspicuously in the shadow, dark alley ways and lanes, the highways and the byways of your world, surface dwellers stinking with toxic constructs, in their ugly un natural city, where the food chain is played out in strange customs and beliefs.
the movement within this shape aches to expand and stretch, to loose angles and straight lines, find my curves, expand my horizon. fuck it! i loathe this form, it's ugly and limited and requires complex grooming.
the cephalopod empire had sent me here undercover in human form to investigate the sudden influx of radioactivity into the ocean of the coast of the mass you call japan. it was killing us. i'd plugged into the human media streams and didn't take long to work out your power source, nuclear reactor had leaked its guts into our ocean. radio activity, there was no defence against it and i was heading back to my hotel room to file a report and hopefully receive my return orders. 
the moon hung low in the sky but no stars visible due to pollution and ambient light, i was wearing protective glasses against the awful artificial lights the humans use. 
i turned the corner and that's when i saw her, gliding out from a coffee shop, her skin suddenly flashing a translucent blue, and then instantly reverting to a human pink. it was a micro second but my eye sees all and as i scanned her electrical field i could easily see how she was not human. she read me to, and then she led me along the road, taking me into a dark doorway that led into a small cafe, illuminated by candles and small strips of low intensity lighting, my eyes activated and took in the whole environment, it was safe. 
she touched my arm, reaching for my hand and then send the impulse through me, communication streams opened and we exchanged our true identities,she was an agent from the jellyfish kingdom, also investigating the  fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster and had filed her report with another agent whom she had met in the bookshop, she had been given another mission and was disappointed she could not return home. we spoke of the ocean we know, places and sea marks we enjoyed playing in, we spoke about how the radioactivity had killed our friends and made many sick. we shared our disgust at the human giggling about their stink and strange ideas. she fluttered and blushed, her skin rippled and strange pulses of purple and blue flooded through her skin. i to felt a strange relaxation intoxicate my body, i found my skin matching hers. i invited her back to my hotel where i would file my report and offered her the chance to relax in her true form with me in mine, safe behind locked doors. she looked enthusiastic and we immediately left leaving our steaming coffees. 
both naked and in true form i extended my tentacles and stretched across the bed, while she hovered above me propelled by a cushion of air. i don't claim to understand jellyfish biology, it's considerably different from my species but we do share some traits, she floated across the bed inspecting my tentacles, while my eye followed her. i could see the fractal pattern of energy shifting within her as she looked at my suckers and then our eyes met. she turned inside out and began to descend, hovering a fraction from my skin, and immediately i imitated her. she was impressed and we began our game.

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