Wednesday, July 13, 2011

jesus fucking christ! i could use some global warming around here. it's freezing and my extremities are feeling it. my tropical soul needs some sun and heat, it likes to sweat and relax, lounge around in a hammock, reading and sipping on cold coconut drinks, wrapped in a sarong and discussing eastern mysticism with a girl from new mexico.
i've regenerated my body somewhat slept a deep sleep, got my hair cut and beard trimmed, a change of clothes, showered and smelling of the orient i have wandered into my lounge, over run by books i have to chose a new one to read, something amazing as i just finished a mediocre thriller, a plot in which i guessed the ending very early onwards. sigh, i need something exceptionally escapist, maybe some sic fi or fantasy.
speaking of which the book show was on last night, with jennifer byrne the darling of the abc, while she is not and excruciatingly painful to watch as her husband andrew denton, she really has very little idea about interviewing writers and it was obvious she had not read her guest lev grossman's book 'the magicians' which is pretty brilliant as far as fantasy goes, being subversive and brilliantly executed. they mostly kept the conversation down to dragons and magic but lev kept the intelligence up when he mentioned the emotional aspects, how through fantasy writing one's emotional energy is exaggerated to an all powerful heightened level where one can alter reality. apart from that it was pretty lame. the usual debate about weather faintest is hi literature and the marketing tools. interesting science fiction was considered even less accessible than fantasy as fantasy sells more. in fact publishers rather put books out under any genre than sic fi as matthew rielly confessed. the problem is not one person mentioned the fact a mills and boon romance is just as much a fantasy as lord of the rings. fantasy is just the imagination without restriction, there's no laws when writing it, the dead sea scrolls could be fantasy.

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