so here you stand at the gates of the underworld, where Anubus leads you down to the chamber where the scales are and places a pristine feather upon one, meanwhile Thoth or Hourus or some other friendly godlike being, plucks your still beating heart fresh from your chest and places it upon the other scale. Yes those ancient egyptians know how to have a good time. The 42 assessors ask a question each from which they determine your suitability to pass through, into the afterlife or to eternal damnation.
The 42 questions of Maat
1. I have not killed, nor bid anyone kill.
2. I have not committed adultery or rape.
3. I have not avenged myself nor burned with rage.
4. I have not caused terror.
5. I have not assaulted anyone nor caused anyone pain.
6. I have not caused misery.
7. I have not done any harm to man or to animals.
8. I have not caused the shedding of tears.
9. I have not wronged the people nor bear them any evil intent.
10. I have not stolen nor taken that which does not belong to me.
11. I have not taken more than my fair share of food.
12. I have not damaged the crops, the fields, or the trees.
13. I have not deprived anyone of what is rightfully theirs.
14. I have not beared false witness, nor supported false allegations.
15. I have not lied, nor spoken falsely to the hurt of another.
16. I have not used fiery words nor stirred up any strife.
17. I have not spoken nor acted deceitfully to the hurt of another.
18. I have not spoken scornfully against others.
19. I have not eavesdropped.
20. I have not ignored the truth or words of righteousness.
21. I have not judged anyone hastily or harshly.
22. I have not disrespected sacred places.
23. I have caused no wrong to be done to any workers or prisoners.
24. I have not been angry without good reason.
25. I have not hindered the flow of running water.
26. I have not wasted the running water.
27. I have not polluted the water or the land.
28. I have not taken God's name in vain.
29. I have not despised nor anger the Gods.
30. I have not stolen from God.
31. I have not given excessive offerings nor less than what is due.
32. I have not coveted thy neighbourÂs goods.
33. I have not stolen from nor disrespect the dead.
34. I have remembered and observed the appointed holy days.
35. I have not held back the offerings due to the Gods.
36. I have not interfered with sacred rites.
37. I have not slaughtered with evil intent any sacred animals.
38. I have not acted with guile or insolence.
39. I have not been unduly proud nor acted with arrogance.
40. I have not magnified my condition beyond what is appropriate.
41. I have done no less than my daily obligations require.
42. I have obeyed the law and committed no treason.
Well i think i am looking at eternal dammnation, how about you?
very nice your blog
I don't need to be an intellectual to answer this, but no worries, I'll be joining you in eternal damnation. There's only three of the 42 I can honestly say I haven't done.....
I've read a fair bit about mythology, the ancients and all that, but lawdy, were they harsh. Fascinating though, at the moment I read more about scandinavian mythology than any other. Having blonde hair, blue eyes and from the north of England originally with a matching surname to boot, think there's a nano-millilitre of Viking blood running in my veins.
I've also read about magick and paganism, back to northern England upbringing is I've only recently realised we practised a lot of those pagan rituals unknowingly. Can't make my mind up nowadays whether I lean towards paganism or buddhism in my own personal philosophies, but no-one else seems to share them. I need to discover more in this life before I make my mind up though. Anyways, still blog-reading with interest and getting a belated education!
actually, i think im doing ok.
the stuff i have done wrong is all 'fiery words' level of stuff that i am willing to work on. no rape or messing with water sources and sacred animals.
if the alternative is eternal damnation, i think i can make a few changes without getting too nerdy.
thank god there was nothing in there about smoking DMT and looking at porn.
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