Monday, June 19, 2006

ever since I started keeping a dream journal i have been able to see the patterns and shapes that guide my subconscious, it's a very interesting process and one i recommend to any of you pychonauts out there. themes that seem to manifest themselves in cycles are sexual, magickal, and death, usually in the form of some fantastic near disaster.
a few years ago i was being initiated (long distance) into an obscure magickal order in Victoria, the procedure was quite standard and the ritual was nowhere near as demanding as some others i have been involved in, i completed the ritual and then fell into a deep sleep. my dream was that i was swimming in a sea pool, it was a glorious day, blue skies, turquoise water, the rock had this fine graininess, like high quality film, it was perfect, i could even see the water drip from my skin as i climbed in and out from the pool. Suddenly the scene was changed by a thunderous roar, the sound of the universe tearing apart, i looked at the sky and saw what appeared to be a fire ball cut the horizon, it was getting closer and it was actually a plane, i could see that it was about to crash on the beach near the pool and i pulled myself out to get to the wreckage to see if i could help, as i ran across the beach the aircraft skimmed parallel to me, bits of metal fell away and the exposed interior revealed itself, suddenly it hit the sand and tore a trail right across the beach. I jogged up to it, waiting for the smoke to clear and the flames to die down so that i could see what was left.
Instead of a mangled heap of burnt flesh and steel i gazed at what i could only describe as a library, in which various people sat in very comfortable reading chairs reading books on magick. The library was filled with information on various magickal practices and i walked in to be greeted by every one.

The next day when i spoke to the head of the order, he said that they all felt my presence when they conducted the initiation and it was overwhelming, everyone commented upon it after the ceremony.

Dreams states are very powerful things if one knows how to navigate them, and how to read them. It is not an easy task reading a dream because the ego will hijack the interpretation, be warned. my mind is trained to write down the dream immediatly after i dream it consequently i am awake, in and out of sleep several times a night sometimes.
I also recommend hightening dreams with
Valerian, Mugwort, Mullein, Kava Kava, Dittany of Crete, St. Johns Wort, Calea Zacatechichi, Salvia Divinorum, Scutellaria Indica, Licorice Root, Vervain, Jasmine, Honeysuckle, Datura, Bee Pollen, Catnip, Hops, Scullcap, Mimosa, Lavender, Damiana, Withania Somnifera, Passionflower, Chamomile, Cardamom, Gotu Kola, Ginkgo Biloba, Ibogaine, Verbena, Rose, Cinnamon, Marigold, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Holly, Yarrow and Anise.
Make sure you know more about these herbs before you use them: some are to be used in pillows, some are to be smoked, some are to be used in tea, etc. Many B-vitamins may help you have more vivid dreams and even Lucid Dreams. Sedative drugs like Melatonin may help. And finally, we have psychedelic drugs like DMT that may induce Lucid Dreams. Some of the drugs and herbs can be addictive, and be poisonous if taken in too large doses. So do yr own research. One of the most incredible dreams i had was under morphine in hospital, where my dreams all themed around dolphins. I was totally convinced there was absolutly no distincction between my dream life and my waking reality. Dreaming can be an excellent divination technique to, usually my partners dream the result, women tend to be better receptors, (having said this i could just be saying this as it was imprined upon me in my foramtive years as a Magickian) so i always encourage my partners to keep dream journals or inform me of any significant dream they have.

A strange co incidence has occurred as i write this.
Recently an australian solider in Iraq died under mysterious circumstances, it is believed he shot himself in the head, although there is an inquest nothing has been determined yet. It has provoked a huge amount of conversation amongst the public, all suspicious and looking at the angles in a conspiracy, especially when the wrong body was flown back by mistake, however today the private's diary was released and in it he wrote, a week before he was found dead, that he had a strange dream. In the dream he describes his death exacly how it happened, he put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger, he also wrote that when he woke up he was curious as to what happened to him after the suicide.
Here is a case where a dream journal has shown the incredible insights into a mans life and death, it would be intresting to see how this case unravels and what is revealled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the only distinction between a dream reality and a waking reality (and any other reality for that matter) is the ones you choose to make.
monotheism has a habit of peripherizing dreams into either novelty or insanity.
freudism turns them into immature jokes.
the newage into escapist drivel.
only shamanism seems to regard dreams with integrity - just as real as 'here' but in accord with alternative principles. nothing weird nor inherantly powerful other than, like 'this reality', what you choose to make of it.
sadly, with all the talk about dreams and dream states etc - so very few make the step into bringing on conscious dreaming ie self-directed hallucinogenic states such as initiatory trance, powerful psychoactives or high-velocity sex.
i mean really, how much can you learn about dreams ad alternative realities unless you are prepared to go there under your own steam.

set your controls for the heart of the sun.