Thursday, April 27, 2023

10 hour flight to los angeles where my connecting flight is in suspended animation waiting for me to get back on board, the united airlines people have decided i need to exit the airport to then check in again, this time my bags are opened and searched, and let me tell you, they are not delicate. my intricate hours of packing efficiently are undone in several moments. fuck la, i always found it an alien place, not my cup of tea. however it was fun while i was there last time. i board the second plane and manage once again to get three seats to myself thanks to a cute air-hostess type whom i fantasise about briefly, how the hell do you get into the mile high club in those tiny restrooms i wonder as my eyes close, so i sprawl out and fall in and out of some weird sleep, intermittent meals and drinks served with a sparkle, before i know it i am in sydney waiting for the train, my face needs an iron but eventually i return home. 
mission control is a mess, i will have to throw myself into cleaning it all up, i left in a hurry and in the middle of a massive restructure at home. oh well, i have all winter i guess.
i force myself to stay awake until 7pm when i take myself off to bed, only to awake at 4am, so i begin cleaning, unpacking, and drink my first decent coffee in over a month. 
it's cold here, not as cold as london or as damp but still there is an edge in the air. 

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