Thursday, April 13, 2017

left wing politics is so dumb i couldn't possibly support any of it, what a load of morons. unfortunately the right is only marginally better / worse. the centre is unrepresented and these days because university has failed to educate a generation the centre is now the left we are heading for abject misery and repression. once beautiful truths and political ideas were worth fighting for, feminism, sexism, racism ect but these causes have been so dumbed down by the left they are worthless unless your wanting to make some gesture of tokenism. 
a classic example are the useless journalists, let's take nikki savva who has written in the australian for many years, won many awards and is loved by the abc and the followers of barry cassady like clones who think they have an intellectual bone somewhere in their body because they sit on a panel with other morons.
for many many years nikki savva has supported the liberal side of politics. then suddenly she began to start writing outrageous lies about the new prime minister tony abbott. it was sudden and shocked a lot of people, and her words were stained  with a vindictiveness that i found disturbing. not that she was alone, every left wing journalist was after abbott, it was a witch hunt to bring down the man. the man the left had hated for years. sure he's a clown of a man, but he had won an election by a landslide and the people liked him. 
nikki wrote such hateful pieces she was adopted by the left, and she elevated malcolm who was not only leaking to her continually but had his eye on the prize. he wanted to usurp the pm. 
along with the left wing media this happened. abbot was replaced by turnbull who made a nasty speech about abbott and relegated him to the back bench. 
now, because i am an astute political animal i saw the future play out. it is nothing to do with abbott being a better pm, the writing was clearly written upon the wall years before the coup. 
turnbull is an egoist, a man driven by wealth which he has, and power which he had and lost. he wanted to feed that drive and that drive only. he is a man that speaks without saying anything, a very modern politician. 
abbot is a man who not only voluntarily worked as a surf life saver, as a bush fire ranger and had a sense of community value he took the liberal party back from the clinically dead to win by a huge majority. he was a man of the people. he had a mortgage  his wife was a child care worker.
but the left wing are a bunch of immature bubble living fools who not only hated him without cause, they collectively pooled their resources and set out to destroy him, and put MT in the seat.
they had no idea that the public would react unfavourably to MT who  although a politician has no skills at being one. his karma is so visible and it will end in tears for him.
abbott made terrible mistakes, yet he was honest about them, he was inept in front of the camera, he was facing a firing squad from people who hated him, with the same irrationality they hate everything non left wing. hate hate hate, mindless fucking hate. 
exactly the same way they hated trump, hated brexit, hated isreal, hated free speech, hate within a bubble is an interesting energy. 
it always implodes upon it's generators.
the list of mistakes MT has made are far to long to write about, but the biggest one is he will loose the election because he lost his base. he paid 2 million for his prime ministership, he bought his power, abbott at least worked for it. 
nikki sava writes today about blaming abbott for MT's failing in the polls. she write's about abbott everyday, endlessly using him as a scapegoat, she even won a prize for her book claiming abbott had an affair with his political strategist. as usual the book was a complete fabrication, she never bothered to interview the people she accused, nor seek out the story, it was a hatchet job promoted by the left for the left and it became a best seller as it was promoted by the abc as some sort of great revelation. a book of lies nikki savva. you are not a journalist, your a propagandist and the decent thing to do would be to stand up and admits that your husband works for malcolm turnbull and you have used your position to elevate him. 
most australians hate MT.
he won by one seat.
and pretty soon the game will be up for them all.

a word to the left. for a change allow people who have a different view to speak their truth without  dragging them off to the human rights commission or bulling the crap out of them on anti social media or calling them names.
i was once a socialist but now i find them the most sexist, racist  nasty vindictive bunch of people i've ever encountered. socialism now is the fascism i hated as a youth and like a lot of ex socialists i see the hypocrisy clearly.   
and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

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