Tuesday, January 14, 2014

placid surface, the ocean is still as i drive past terrible beach, see the peoples out and about in dawns pre morning rituals, walking dogs, power walking women one hand holding coffee the other a dumb bell, see the delivery vans unloading supplies, a small town by the ocean. 
i park up on the hill and look down upon the scene, it's all on land today, nothing in the water, flat as a pancake, not one wave. 
i head towards mission control, the great dog pan waits for me out the front, he's blended into the frangipani trees, one with pink flowers, one with white one with none, he's a good dog, happy to see my blue car coming down the hill slowly.
i want a coffee but i'm broke, no cash, so i drink some weird coconut drink mixed with a few blueberries instead, the taste is strange but i know its good, i shove a date into my mouth and remember it's tuesday which means i have to go swimming in the pool this afternoon with one of my clients. it's going to be a long day, they all are now my body is conditioned to starting at 6am and sleeping around 1am, i don't need much sleep just a deep one. 
it's jakes birthday today, over in london, i sent him a tee shirt and on pay day i'll wire over some cash. i'm hoping we can skype soon. 
i type up some book reviews for the paper, i write them for australia's biggest book chain, they publish them weekly, i never read the finished thing or keep any copies but sometimes when i'm in a bookshop i see my words underneath a novel. 
i usually submit one a week, must be in the hundreds now. sometimes the books are to inappropriate for them to publish, no one wants a review on sex magick or tantra, or even greek magick, no one wants a review on extreme phycology or novels that involve subjects like iranian esoteric beliefs, no one wants reviews on subversion or experimental fiction but i write them and submit them anyway, mostly the reviews they publish are science fiction ones i write, or occasionally the mainstream novel such as 'the orphan masters son' it's not my job to decide what gets published, i just write. 

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