Sunday, January 26, 2014

explosive night, stars descend, heaven help us now. some bit player watches from the sidelines as the city seems to move to a grinding halt, industry is on it's knees, a banker runs out of his glass office, he's looking somewhat bewildered and confused, his secretary hot on his heels, in her heels, follows him out from the huge corporate towering skyscraper. she hands him a mobile phone, he's shaking his head and grabs the phone from her, 'it's useless now, useless, don't you get it?'
she looks slightly shocked as the phone makes an elegant arc across the road and shatters into fragments as it hits concrete.
cars have been left abandoned in streets, sirens fill the skies, a helicopter zips across the sky but suddenly it splutters and stalls, gravity does the rest as onlookers watch. hollywood explosions fill the sky.
'i don't get it, what's going on?'
confusion spreads like ebola, dismay and discord, churches burn, people wander around crying, a few laugh.
'how can you laugh at this mission?'
i smile and offer her a coconut.
the absurdity of civilization exposed for all to see, we are all naked now, working out our response. some one starts burning cash while another is busy gathering a group of lost children and organising them into a line.
a camera crew are conducting an interview. the journalist seems to be filing a new report, she's pushing an earpiece into her ear with one hand, while the other adjusts her skirt.
'well, as you can see it's chaos, people are just wandering around now completely disorientated and confused. it's like a disaster movie.'
in her earpiece a voice says, 'you may as well go home, there's no point in continuing.'
'yes, there is no point, except i don't know what else to do, i've been filing reports for seven years but never came across anything like this.'
'well we are packing up here, i'll leave the tape rolling, do whatever you want...'
'okay paul, thanks.'
and to the camera she says, 'well it's been twenty minites since the announcement and everything, everything is coming apart, the city has literally stopped, people have just given up doing what they do, it's all pointless. even this report is...'
a truck swerves just missing the camera and the reporter, 'jesus, that was close,' once more earnestly to the camera, 'all around me people are responding to the announcement that the global science initiative into ultimate truth has just gone public with. after five years since their formation. the g siut as it's been come to be called, comprising of scientists from many nations, were looking for a theory of everything have just changed the face of civilization on planet earth. the report is not even a page long, it's was just one line that was read at the united nations emergency assembly and broadcast live everywhere. a simple statement, "nothing is real" read by professor helena blavatsky to a shocked global population.'
she stops for a moment as her team wander away abandoning her, 'this is maxime mcqueen, signing off for abc news 24.'
'what you going to do now maxime?' someone eating an ice cream yells out as maxime pulls something from her bag.
'i'm going to smoke this and look at the clouds.'  


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