Tuesday, December 27, 2011

i'm interested in coffee it's a good drink, it effects my brain in a productive way if i use it correctly and i have a coffee machine i depend upon when i desire a hit, it's a good machine, even john malkovich and george clooney like it. well it's fuelled by capsules that are rated on intensity and although my tastes are not so refined i do have my favourites. the silver / brown ones. 
so i set off into the city to restock my capsules, i buy in bulk so i don't have to go often but when i arrive the queue is massive and i give up thinking i have not got time to wait in a queue. i wander around the city, stopping off at a few bookshops looking for a particular writer but to no avail. on the way home i stop at the big shopping centre to meet a friend who fails to show, so i head back home when my phone rings, without going into a huge story i end up in a car that stops in a car park where a strange thin looking cat who is very loud yells at me, 'get out.'
i'm asking the driver whom is the only person i know whats going on and can i get a lift home, when the guy starts yelling, 'get out man we gotta deal to do.'
it all chunks in place and i hop out the car disappearing into the bowels of the car park.
junk addicts of this calibre all share one thing in common, while desperately trying to blend in they stand out. i don't have much experience of these types as my days were spent with a more sophisticated type but i hated this desperation and rudeness, and also the kind of unintelligible lifestyle that these chaps had created for themselves. call me an opiate snob but if you're going to meet the opium spirit do it in style. i know i sound like a judgemental nutcase but there's nothing worse than watching some cats attempting to act cool when they are actually sticking out like sore thumbs. 
i should point out that i was only hitching a ride so i could get some milk from the shop.
anyway i get home again and arianna calls, she's got me an xmas gift and wants to go for a walk, so we grab the dog and wander around the dog park, i open my present, it's the coffee capsules. a minor miracle?

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