i am reading melanie philips book londonstan, it has been banned by a number of libraries in america and england, it's to controversial and inflammatory yet it has testamonials from many very respected writers journalists and political commentators. this is a book that needs to be read. make your own mind up after you read it but take the time to read it, no newspaper would review it, people are petrified to attach their name to it but it paints a very accurate picture of what has happened in england in the last few years.
i finished 'pilo family circus' this morning, very good, i'm really impressed that a young guy from brisbane wrote it, quite a disturbing yet amazing story, i have always found clowns freaky but now i'm petrified by them.
climate change seems to be sweeping through conversations i'm having, suddenly everyone is freaking out. i always ask people as they blame govts. 'do you drive?'
i mean the bottom line is personal responsibility, i think the solution is each individual has to pay a tax based upon the amount of emmissions they release or are responsible for releasing every year. so if your job involved polluting the earth you would be taxed really high. perhaps the people that reduce emmissions from other people can get a cash bonus. some one told me a polar bear was found after drowning, it couldn't find any ice to use as a surface. thats sad.
there's a new book out called toxic childhood by another british writer sue palmer who says that we are destroying childrens childhood by computer technology, this is quite a common point of view amongst people, yet from my point of veiw it's the usual crap adults pour upon their children, in the old days it was the radio now its the computer. adults hate children, its not a conscious kinda hate but a silent lurking one that contains elements of jealousy and traces of bitterness. adults want their childrens youth, the fear is we have to protect children from what...ourselves is the answer. we are the only threat to children. we hate the fact they have a future and we continue to steal it from them. evolution is a fact, as society embraces technology the field of biotechnology has arrived, you can't put the genie back in the box, so like humanity has with its other inventions we have no choice but to embrace it, there's no reason why a child can't incorperate a computer into its life, a computer is only a tool. perhaps the arguement would be better put if children were at risk from violent computer games, that i could understand but that is not technology. i say embrace technology as a tool, it has no conciousness itself therefore the threat it poses only exists in our heads and our fears.
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