Friday, January 05, 2024

at dawn, sun not even peeking over the horizon i drive down to the beach for a surf, it's packed. people everywhere and it's not even 5am. this is australia, it's a lifestyle place, if you live near the beach you may as well use it, i go to bed early just to get up early. the day always starts with a surf, it's communion, something between me and the universe. i love it. the waves are not good, choppy and ominous, a big black sky beginning to threaten a downpour, it's slightly surreal. 

i text jake to see if he's up, he is. i'm really missing him as he leaves tomorrow. i was hoping i may see him but we are outta time, it makes me sad. it makes him sad. still we are lucky, we manage to see one another at least twice a year. i dunno though, those trips to london are not easy, they take a huge toll upon me, and i'm not sure how long i can carry on. it would be different in business class, but after 30 hours in the cheap seats it's hard to bounce back.

i treat myself to a coconut latte, these days i very rarely buy coffee out, i prefer to make it at home, grind up the beans and brew my own. the blend is 'lulu's' which is roasted on the coast and about 10 mins away from me. it's the best coffee on earth.

the cicadas are out now, making a racket, it's really loud but i can tune out, the rain don't fall, solar flares burn the clouds up and penetrate the atmosphere. you can feel the ultra violet. i head home, i want to treat my floors with eucalyptus this morning, it really makes a huge difference to wooden floors. smells great as well.

my water dragon makes an appearance, he comes right up to me and lets me know he wants breakfast. i think this is the spawn of the old dragon, although it's hard to tell, there is a distinctly new colouration to this one. he's very tame though and really enjoys the strawberry and grape i offer him. 

i look out into the garden, the weird south american plants are all flowering, massive exotic flowers that reach up high. they are intricate structures, big bromeliads and palms. sometimes it feels like eden, peaceful, the weird dragons, the colourful birds that pass through, even the fish in my pond are happy and chatty, it's tranquil and safe. then you remember the world outside. it's like a jungle sometimes...don't push me cos i'm close to the edge.

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