Wednesday, September 27, 2023

about one year ago i concluded that the nazi's actually run the world now. i based this upon my intuition as well as my critical analysis of current affairs. it was reading 'the empire on which the black sun never set' that confirmed my suspicions. the book details the bits most history books omit. looking at the birth of eugenics in the uk and the inevitable support the nazi's had from the british establishment as well as the american. even churchill was pro nazi up until he understood the english people were dead against it and decided to seize the popular moment of mostly working class people.
after the war most of the nazi's were redistributed amongst the allies, often into exulted govt. bodies like nasa, nato and the who. the sympathisers were also within government and the upper classes. and now their children are.
everything happening in the world of global politics today reflects this truth, the rise of socialism, cultural marxism, the climate core, the vilification of russia, the need to control media and the narrative, the projection (calling their enemies nazis) the demonisation of israel, the seizing of assets against dissenters, the use of pharmaceuticals upon the citizens against their will and the union of corporations, technology and governments. 
and yesterday the canadian govt under the idiot trudeau (who always calls his opponents fascists) gave a standing ovation to a nazi.
the west is supporting a war against russia, a nation that stopped the nazis with no small sacrifice in russian lives and we are told we must support ukraine. our tax in it's billions is transferred to a nazi regime within ukraine, one that was placed there by vicoria nuland after she and the cia overthrew the elected government and placed zelenski there.
and here we are. once could say the second world war never really ended.

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