Friday, December 01, 2017

the last few months, since my return from the uk i decided to detox from weed, a big mistake. 
my body started to deteriorate, pains in my knees, my leg unable to support me, throbbing pain in the calf which i have borne in my usual stoic way. working hours pushing me over the brink, physical health, mental heath and spiritual health all falling rapidly, until i smoked a spliff and within seconds healed. i must keep smoking, keep on smoking smoke the sky away.

i have not written for weeks, maybe months, nothing. my story lays unfinished untold, and it must be borne. i'm thinking of doing something very strange with it, but it may fail. whatever, it's going to take time.


Concerned Citizen said...

New Project...

Might help with the Writer's Block...

~Agent Speedsexy

PI said...

I have faith in you! ~Speedsexy

Anonymous said...

Hi Mission,

I have a few questions for you.

What is your birth date?

What is your birth time?

What is your city of birth?

I want to run your natal chart.

I'll email it to you if you want.

You can reach me at


PI said...

Hit it for me.

I was shorted about $140 and a hit.

Roll on!

PI said...