dawn finds me heading north, my module cuts through areas of dense fog, the highway empty my mind fluctuating on sleeping or surfing. it's been a long night, the long night of nights and i'm feeling the weight of everything. at the last moment i decide to head to the ocean where i throw myself in and catch a few beauties. all stress washes away, all tiredness and wear and tear heals, oh great oceanic energy, i submit to you.
i read the papers, i can clearly see where we head, the road determined by the club of rome and the technocrats, the great unveiling as populations are mesmerised by kgb mind control techniques. in the cold war russia poured it's billions on mind control of large populations, now the united nations have that knowledge and use it considerably. i eat some food, drink some coffee and read between the lines. information requires pattern recognition, i know the pattern because i know the end game. i know how to see therefore i know what to look for. beware the united nations, beware the left wings moral superiority, beware the geo political game of thrones, for ultimately there will only be one left.
i relax and watch the waves, thinking about sleeping for the rest of the day when my phone rings. i'm requested to write an urgent report, i have no choice in the matter and they want it now. there goes my sleep.
on the way home i get pulled over by the police, random breath test, i joke with the policeman when he ask's how i am, 'drunk officer those tequilas i had for breakfast are far to strong.'
he's got a sense of humour and laughs.
i get home, shower, climb into bed and ten minuets later there's a knock at my door. it's the local jehovah witnesses, turns out i know one of their sisters so in the spirit of charity we have a chat about faith and love. my phone rings so i say goodbye and close the door, it's my brother. he has arrived in sydney. we chat and then there's another bang on my door. it's my neighbour telling me he thinks someone has run over my dog.
i take it in my stride, always good in emergencies i deal with the shaken driver, i find pan hiding around the back, blood everywhere, he's limping and looking really worried. i pick him up and put him in the car and drive to the vet. the journey is strange, i'm in tears and thinking how awful it would be to loose pan, he's been with me 14 years, longer than any girl friend and fuck it, he's saved my life once, he's indirectly even got me laid as girls find him irresistible and after showering affection on him inevitably turn to me. that hound and i are best mates, everyone knows it. i stroke his head and reassure him, 'you're going to be fine old friend, everything will be fine.'
but i don't know that for sure and i'm already thinking the worst. the vet looks at him, asks me a few questions and we do the x rays, nothing broken, pan seems chirpy, he's pacing around, sniffing the room, and the damaged leg seems to be taking his weight and holding up just fine.
the vet shoots him up with painkillers and tells me to return in a week, he's prescribed a series of antibiotics and says pan is remarkable for his age which in human years is about somewhere in the early 80's.
i return home noticing a chip and crack in my windscreen as i'm driving. the cost of the day sky rocketing through the cieling. i stop at the shop and buy a six pack of beer for my neighbour and a box of chocolates for the lady who run pan over. i drop them off, grind up pans pill and feed him. i fall asleep on my sofa, the day marches onwards without me, thank god.
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