Thursday, October 03, 2013

i woke up after years in the dreamcatcher, i had so much mail left at the front door, the grass was overgrown and the garden gone wilder than ever, my palms and ferns stood like mighty ancient forms spanning across the garden, leaves piled up and branches everywhere, spiderwebs masked my doorways, windows and unfortunately the high ceilings of the interior. i had no power, disconnected, no water, the putrid stink from the fridge nearly knocked me over, it was disgusting.
i ran for the bathroom.
i grabbed the broom and dusted it off, then used it to clear the hallway and entrance from the spiderwebs which were so thick in places it was like a network of cotton wool. it was like wrapping candy floss, the broom end became clumped with webbing. i cleared myself a pathway, chucked the broom away and looked at the fish pond. my fish had gone, long dead and broken down into atoms, reincarnated into birds and reptiles, a wild bush turkey and cat. 
the pond was indeed filled with debris from the trees, the motor for the pump long dead and covered in dead rotting leaves, there was a strange stink hanging around, and a few ferns sprouting. the water dragons were sitting on a nearby rock, sunlight glistened off the belly, vibrant and red, it's beady eye upon me.
i look around at the street, everything is as it was, except the road has been resurfaced, my car sits in the driveway, it's tyres are flat as i imagine is the battery.
i return inside, dust layers everything, even my posters are covered in dust. i walk over the rug to the kitchen, my legs feel unsteady and weak, i open the cabinet and pull out my bag of weed, roll a nice fat spliff, luckily the matches still worked.
ah sweet tasting spirit, i missed you, i close my eyes, yes i did feel sleepy, tired, the world looked bright, it was doing okay without me, poor fish i though, i felt a pang of regret as i thought of pan my companion in that life and imagined his bones somewhere out the back. i found myself wandering up to the bedroom, where i lay down and closed my eyes. the dreamcatcher hanging above. 


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