the zone one architecture offers crystal luxury for the discerning eye, reflection of space, you could really be in the centre of the void, anywhere in galaxy seven.
let's take a look at some of the colours, new colours never seen by earth human eyes, they replicate frequencies of the higher more evolved species, whales, dolphins, exotic birds. these colours are living, they have thoughts, formulated predominantly upon philosophical implications of a branch of mathematics we could say is pure, but is actually more of abstract representation in a fractal pattern of light. the colours don't have names because they don't perceive identity in a way that we can understand, they are aware of themselves as a life form of many but they do not focus their attention upon this fact, they have no desires or ambitions, no survival instincts and no form of material culture. only an intellectual pursuit represented in wavelengths and frequencies.
zone two on the other hand has a life form humans should avoid at all costs, these are the hive mind insect replicators whom are vast and inhabit all the planets plus a number of moons, asteroids and some orbiting hive ships.
the hive mind is a swarm of about seventy seven thousand billion individuals which in size are about comparable to a cat although they look like crustaceans. many variations depending on function but these are ugly looking creatures relative to human concepts of beauty and it is recommended to avoid this species at all costs.
the hive is highly technological, very advanced, they have salvaged technology from several dead races, adapting it into their own hybrid technology, which is based around weaponry and killing. the collective race is known as the machine, each unit a component in the mass body of something that has not yet come together, the unity of the machine is predicted and calculated to take place in two hundred thousand years. by then the zone one will be assimilated into zone two and any life form inhabiting the zone will be extinct.
it is my pleasure to report that i have with me the virus that will circumnavigate this. i will release it into zone two and end the machine, thus contamination will be almost immediate requiring approximately eight minutes to infect the whole species. however this will result in war crimes, according to the council of twelve, punishable by execution controlled by remote sensors hooked up to my controlling system. this is the law of zone three as decreed by the council of seven before it was twelve. at risk of saving the zones i must sacrifice my own existence.
the council in their finite wisdom do not subscribe to the unilateralist approach, the greater good is unconsidered.
i am in effect a suicide bomber, although my termination will not be mine. i wish there would be another way but the machine must be stopped.
the philosophy of the council of twelve limits our own survival, it's own survival. it has led me to believe in the imperfection inherent in our society, a standard so high we would rather be extinguished than compromised.
as soon as i release the virus the twelve will know, i will be terminated almost seconds after, my life blown out like a flame dancing on a candle.
i'm seconds away, the twelve know this, they watch my movements and thoughts, they know my intent, all seeing eye, remote possibility, the ghost of edgar allen poe, an echo from the human galaxies was whispering, in the pulse of my heartbeats, the ever present whisper, evermore, under the floor, in the wind, the bustle of trees.
i set the controls for the perimeter of zone two, i only need to engage with one unit, transmit the virus and the rest will occur almost instantly.
the machine function as a collective intelligence, they or it have only one program, the absorption of all living systems into themselves. they call the separation 'the abyss which must be crossed.'
they perceive themselves as having no meaning inhabiting their environment, the abyss, for this is the realm of the storehouse called phenomenon. the only meaning that could possibly exist is to traverse this void, connect all other life forms to their own and thus create a meaning.
the collective intelligence is also known in some circles as choronzon, it is likely that this is the name those that have managed to cross the void give the machine, it's an inner name, a secret name, a name not spoken of.
what compulsion drove me to this point? a strange impulse embedded within the trajectory of my soul. a need to unfathom the mystery of existence.
it made me isolated and unloveable, it forced me to act in a way that was perceived as madness, it challenged me in ways that almost broke me, save for the grim determination i always kept my eye on the goal. illumination is the destruction of the self, while giving birth to the self, shedding skin, spirit is rebirth. my incarnations made all things known.
the virus would detonate on infection, it would be split second, the explosion would change everything and thus myself.
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