Friday, April 22, 2011

i took my oath many years ago, it was a strange process that i understood at an intuitive level, and from reading hundreds of books on the occult and recognising this as the point where most practitioners loose their minds forever. it's where most magicians go very wrong and decent into madness. what made it much easier was when i discovered the use of what is known as chaos magic which confirms this concept by stating, do not desire a result.'
my initial investigations and practice were based around knowing when to attach significance and when not to, that is being discerning between synchronistic events that have meaning and random static that has none, you gotta attach no significance while being aware of significance. an open mind helps.
being to intellectual can prove a drawback, one must not use the left brain here, for we are walking into the mystical and magical realms, the super science if you will. the world of quantum. trying to make sense of it won't work, just know the process and when to stop.
i've watched many people, new age types take this part of the process far to far, translating meaning into everything and linking up all sorts of nonsense, well it's nonsense for me. this is a trap, the demonic realm. enter the chapel perilous and look around but leave. other things to be aware about is the next phase of this is invoking, because when you are in this state of mind, hyper aware of the universe and it's strange communication you can ask it for information which will manifest itself to you, however the new agers will not practice discernment where as the magickian must.

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