Thursday, April 21, 2011

go see thor. fucking brilliant, directed by kennith branegha, with a great australian lead actor and natalie postman, wow, she's so my woman. i want one and i want one now. anyway's girls you will love thor, and nerds who read the comic books when they should been doing their homework and their parents nagged them for reading 'comics,' will love thor, he translates really well in brannagah's hands, he's really kept the essential stuff in there and the adaptions just make it contemporary, if ya like the norse gods or you had a past life in atlantis, you will love this. i did, see it in 3d because it is worth it, and worth seeing on a big screen. i love the fact it's got the past in the future, that is the god's of asgard, and the fact space and time are the same. there's some great astrological elements, and the story is so rich, yeah it's branegha remember.
yeah thor, one of the most interesting from the marvel universe. it's such a great adaption, and some of it is filmed in new mexico which is one of my favourite places on earth.


lily was here said...

I know the talented woman who did all the make-up on this film so another reason I'm dying to see it.

lily was here said...

I know the make-up artist on this movie. Another good reason Im dying to see it. And of course, your glowing recommendation is a plus x