Thursday, February 16, 2006

Kilbeys Blog is excellent today, go read it now. But remember to come back to me later. Mmmm. well i did take myself of for a surf in Babalyon, a bowl of soup and some contemplation. Surf big and overwhelming, dark and light, a dualistic poem, i swam passed a huge fish thing, it swam passed me maybe.
Started to assemble my mic and guitar, mmm, it's all a bit complex, lots of nice lights on my mixer and twiddly knobs, i wish i knew three chords to rub together but all i got is the truth. Actually you can do a lot with three chords.
I like the minors, they are the sad melancholy ones, the ones that my charkras respond to.

Well after much plugging in of things, twiddling knobs and buttons, wires all over mission control, many turns at singing through the mic, i actually finally got it working, yeah, i can now add vox to some of my tunes.
Went to see Syriana, mmm, very complex plotline but i must say offers a refreshingly honest look at the state of play in the mid east, re oil and american intrests, old george clooney doing a great job, mr sexy social conciousness may not get the oscar for this one due to the ugly truth.

Genes make me slightly different from you, they determine my physical aspects and a disposition towards various others but it's memes that shape our minds, memes that make me think and act like i do. After destruction of ego, know your memes.

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