Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Contemplating my arts grant form, mmm, there's a big blank box where i have to write about my new project that i want to fund. I can't really write, i want $10 000 to go to Peru to take weird drugs in the jungle and have shamanic experiences, so i may suggest a trip to Burning Man or something, although from what i hear burning man is a sell out. But I have to write something, so i'll keep my options open.
I recieved a text from Jake today, far out, i thought i would be another year or two before i heard from him, he seems to want to catch up, which is fine with me, after all its the only reason why i live in sydney. I wonder how he would feel if he just knew the truth about me, well I guess it won't be long now and he will realize his dad is not the person his mum tells him he is.

I went for a surf at Bablyon, fantastic waves but very hard to swim out to.

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