Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I was watching Gore Vidal this evening, he was sitting in his castle in LA, surrounded by antiques and limos slagging of the current admin, exposing the fall of amerika is imminent, and i was wondering why he was smiling when he suggested LA is in a bubble being pumped full of laughing gas. The irony was he was in the back of a stretch limo being interviewed by Bob Carr whom he considers a friend. It's strange that Bob Carr the man who destroyed Sydney seems to now have his own tv show.
I get tired of people slagging George Bush off, the guys a stooge, he's the puppet of Cheney and Runsfield, he's a good time boy who likes to kick back on the ranch, the last thing he knows about is politics. Everyday people complain to me about America but something inside me often wants to respond by saying, before you criticise another country look at your own.
Here in OZ our govt in collusion with the Indonesians invaded east Timor, carved up its oil, thousands of people were massacred. Our wheat bored funds the army our army fought against, i mean come on, Wake Up. Everyone’s guilty, it's just a matter of degree.
I don't like governments full stop, it's about time we updated democracy, lets give up the idea that we can be governed by geographical co ordinates, ie land and boundries.
My idea is based on Bill Burroughs who suggested, in the fuure people will form countries based on ideology, so any one who wants to be a capitalist will follow the laws of a capitalist society no matter where they live. A gay christian can do the same.
Me I would still be without a home as i have no fixed ideology whatsoever.

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