Wednesday, February 12, 2025

closure. makes people sound like a room, people are not rooms they are labyrinths and mansions. the harder you try to escape the more we become lost within them. i don't believe in closure,  doors shut and open all the time, closure is just an aspect of a process, it's opening that we really have to do, only therapy won't go there directly, it goes to closure and often ends. with closure. preservation is a better way to describe what we attain to when we seek closure. finding the moments that we freeze frame in amber and reflect upon, carry into our futures and pass on to the next. i often think about my dad, a great man despite his faults, he was striving to be all things to all. he loved in that old clint eastwood way, by righting wrongs and choosing his causes well. he was a strange druid though, a man of mystery underneath all that 'chancy gardener' persona. 

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