Wednesday, December 23, 2020

the pessimist : i'm very concerned by what's happening around me.  we had such a free life, i mean we had choices now i'm not so sure.
the optimist : it's still good, i mean these nazis are just a trend. a wave that will pass over our heads.
pessimist : i am going to get out, take the children and sarah and i will travel to new zealand, make a new life.
optimist : you overreact, everything will be fine.

sometimes the blue sky thinking is just denialism at the obvious facts. 
why is the argument against the c-19 vaccination not tolerated. 
why do govts choose to forgo the usual legal requirements that applies to drug companies. 
why are there a growing number of scientists and virilogists who all oppose the logic behind vaccinating  an untested drug. why do people still have faith in pharmaceutical companies, governments and experts when the evidence is obvious. ask yuri.
he spells it out.

anyways since my return i have been quite busy. i decided to spend my fortune on a new car and renovations. i picked up a few extra books i've always wanted and will plough through them as soon as the building s completed. it's all coming together well, two afghani have been assigned the task and despite their inability to turn up some days they are already transforming the designated area. i'm not sure if it will be finished by xmas but i hope they can finish it by the end of the year.

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