why do you love me?
the question is asked at least once a week and the answer always is bigger than the one that precedes it.
i love you because you have an amazing brain, that seems to be similar to my own, it perceives things slightly different than mine but has similar architecture and structure. you always profess and demonstrate a willingness to change it, explore and experiment with it, and that is awesome. i love the way it thinks, the processes it requires and the way you allow it to dominate you. it really is magnificent and if i could i would keep it near my computer in a jar of nutrients and let it stimulate me 24/7 while i write.
i love your mind, the way you use it, ever moving through the realms, always willing to expand, learn and grow, it's everything i respect in a mind despite it's complex approach to me, it's a joy to behold.
i love your body. it's perfect, it suits my requirements and i want access 24/7. not just for sex but for exploration, sensation, input/ output and the sheer information i seem to feel when i touch it. the way your legs wrap around mine, the way your eyes move through time, the way those veins and arteries all map a highway through your flesh, lines on a map i enjoy travelling along and with. and nothing beats your kiss, the lips that crush against mine, it's something that has no measure. infinity and beyond lies within those kisses.
i love being inside your body, it's the safest feeling and most truest sensation i know, as is listening to your heartbeat, the peace in that is sublime.
i love the words that you use, the laugh that emits when we find joy, i love to watch you dance, that sparkle in your eyes that light up the room. i love your hands are mine, i love your thoughts are mine, i love your nose and ears, the face that always makes me melt no matter what. i love the fact we are old friends. i love the fact we are new friends, i love the words unsaid, the thoughts we share and don't, i love our connection, i love all off you.
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