old captain mission succumbs to some kind of illness, some awful days of feeling wretched as i drink lemon tea and honey, eat garlic and wait for it to pass. my weekend off fades away to watching a series on blu ray, 'the arrow' cheesy comic book rubbish. stupid plot lines but after a few episodes i must admit i'm hooked.
not only is the parallel story of how the arrow survived five years on an island a good story the way the lessons he learns comes into play in his return to his home very interesting. the people from the past catch up, the ghosts that haunt him, the love that thwarts him. in many ways this is what i loved about comic books as a kid, they were filled with crazy stories but there were also interesting lessons within the sub text. the last confrontation scene in season three is brilliantly executed and surprising.
i was never a green arrow fan as a kid, i loved the silver surfer, he was my man, norrin radd although i flirted with superman, spiderman and the fantastic four it was always the surfer for me, not only did he have a cosmic surf board, he had the best origin story ever. one day they will make a show or movie out of the silver surfer and if it's done with the correct attention to detail it will be incredible. it's the most spiritually moving story from marvel, jack kirby and stan lee had put a lot of thought into his journey.
and here's the thing, watching the arrow i realise how these comic stories are new mythologies, the hero updated to become a superhero.
i guess being sick entitles me to watch some trashy shows and kick back a bit and the arrow was a good distraction. three series, healing time, one weekend.
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