Monday, March 03, 2014

the cold war just warmed up, the ukraine, russia europa that old angry beast, always looking for a punch up when its economy is on the wane, war what is it good for?
its good for arms manufacturing, banks and politicians, its good for zombies brainwashed to do other peoples fighting, its good for the military machine, watch how they all take sides and propagate a truth.
who know's what is really going on, all we can say is people want more control over their own futures and governments don't even allow us a future anymore. 
thats the globalist agenda baby, socialist, capitalist all you do by taking a side is create the illusion of a space between you and the others. shuffling chairs on the titanic, here have mine. 'oh waiter, more ice please.'

so i'm in a mall with wild child confessing my depression and general malaise with human has beens, bring on the next species, what a fucking joke we are, pathetic. we wander around a shop looking at some products, soap and stuff and i must admit i find it bewildering, what is all this crap, the labels and names, the packaging, the words...i start ranting away and wild one moves away, people start acting nervous but it's all pouring out from me in one uncontrollable unstoppable torrent, 'it's all just meaningless, what is this, why do we need it, why do people buy all this shit, look at us, all brainwashed, there's no hope for anyone, it's just a machine churning out endless crap, it never ends, on and on until we are dead or dying from all the crap we buy and put on our skin and into our bodies, i hate it, i loathe it, i just fucking hate it all.'
now people are thinking about calling security, i can see it in their eyes, in their tragic plastic non human faces, fortunately wild child pulls me away to get me some food thus saving me from some encounter with uniforms and the public from my deranged narrative.
we enter a food court, it's completely chinese in here, everyone eats really fast with narrow eyes focused in fear at these two weird people trespassing in their food court, they move in hive formation, chattering away in mandarin, casting strange psychic thoughts at our requests for non animal food. we search for non animal food and eventually find some.
we have an interesting conversation about contemporary australia, about barry o what's his name, the idiot premier who gives discounts to chinese home buyers, squeezing everyone else out, pushing rents through the roof, the fracking king on nsw, the guy who has sold out all of us because there is no opposition, all of us struggling natives, over crowded, over priced, over it! china where you cannot eat the food, it's toxic, those in the know say don't live there longer than three years because the soil is so poison the food kills you. hence the buying of australian farmlands. the govt body in china have amassed trillions in swiss banks for their great escape and our own governments continually push the globalist agenda, wages decrease, the power of the individual decreases against the corporation, ahh, it's very sad to watch as the game unfolds, game of thrones, this is it!  
anyway there is good news, we both have something to look forwards to, three nights of quality bliss, unfortunately i can't make two nights due to my duty and ingrained work ethic but i will be at a special gig on thursday night, i'm not sure exactly what it is but i know it will be amazing and sweep away my artificial blues with something real.

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