Friday, May 25, 2012

the day began as it ended, one thing leads to another, i followed the old path and found myself following a path. by then i lived a little like myself, in a house surrounded by old books, a handful of friends called around for coffee and conversation, all quite diverse and very interesting people, i liked hanging out with his friends talking about art, clocks and stars and sometimes just him and i would listen to a cd, he seemed okay, an eccentric old man who liked his own company as much as his friends. they were tired of it all, drama and noise, the jabbering of crowds and zombie hordes.
i watched him sometimes, this version of myself, he was different than i thought he would be, i guess when you walk that path you may end up exactly where you started but everything changes or you have changed internally through some alchemical process and everything else is the same, in the end it makes no difference. i watched him at his moment of death, for a moment it crossed my mind i was watching a stranger but then as i held his hand and said the incantations he looked right at me, into my eyes and said, 'thank you for being there, all these years.' 
his final breath turned into a laugh, a sort of giggle, a private joke and i smiled as his spirit transcended this dimension. when he died i looked at his earthly vessel, a mass of flesh and bone bundled together no longer animated by life, those eyes had been extinguished. 
i never went to the funeral, but i saw the grave stone in a vision, it was a big black '2001' type monolith with the words, 'came into the world crying, went out laughing,' inscribed upon it later in my life when i met the goddess, she taught me many things but most of all she showed me how to die and therefore how to live. 

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