Wednesday, September 25, 2024

everything connects up, dots and dashes, zeroes and ones. man and woman, fate and destiny. all things converge at some sort of omega point. the only thing that separates it is space and time, so these things are really one, you and i are the same thing, we just think we are separated. the best way for two people to become one is through sexual means. 

my own relationship to sex is a sort of yogic tantra union, there needs to be some bridge built between the female partner and myself, and obviously it's a sliding scale from, base level to crown. but when there's an opportunity to align i see it as my cosmic duty. intercourse is connecting, sex is mind and heart expansion, man and woman equals union, two cells wanting to subdivide into a third. 

the sex act, connects the dots. ultimately we connect. one way or another, the long way or the short way, everyone will connect. however conscious connection makes things interesting. 

im a tantric druid these days.

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