still coughing and sweating, chest tightens like some awful heart attack type symptom, my head spinning as i'm literally on the verge of passing out. i make my way to the doctor where they say i am suffering from asthma, make me buy ventolin and a spacer. my initial attempts make my teeth feel weird, metallic and heavy. i don't like it, but the cough gets worse.
seven days later i am with a client in a doctors getting his flu shot. the doc says to me, 'have you seen someone about that cough?'
i tell him i did and i was diagnosed with asthma.
'no,' he says, 'that's not asthma.'
he writes out a script and says take this antibiotic.
a week later the cough feels slightly better but soon returns in full. i can't work and need a sick cert. so i cruise down the local medical centre and the doctor there says he wants me to take some other pills and writes me two scripts.
just to be sure he wants a blood test.
i don't bother filling the scripts as i'm over the drugs, i'm over the medical model, these cats don't know what they are doing. they are all just pushers for the pill companies and we are the dumb cash cow that pays up all the time in our ignorance.
the weekend is spent with me coughing and sweating and generally feeling like my time is up. i casually mention to someone if i do die it would be weeks maybe months before someone found my body.
monday morning i go in for my results. the doc says they are not in yet. tuesdays morning i return, only the receptionist tells me i need to see the doctor urgently and i have priority so don't have to wait.
it turns out i have whooping cough. something that plagued me as a child has returned. i get some new drugs, i have two weeks off work. gonna rest, bake some cookies, maybe write some tunes.
i'm exhausted, i need a break.
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