Thursday, July 12, 2012

mad rush like a dark version of hugh grant, hugh the eccentric i race around five minites before a presentation is due, my memory stick contains everything i need to make my impression upon my unsuspecting colleagues and workers, this is captain mission the professional, loosing his marbles as i saved an apple document that can't be printed on the pc so here i am racing through the town square to the apple shop where nerds in white shirts and looking immaculate in their pristine temple will assist transfer my document. i am cast adrift, my career about to implode, i am thinking outside the box as i stumble in all washed up and cast myself at the head high priest behind his genius bar temple, i am ready to be saved.
the man, boy, nerdotype, he smiles and blesses me by sticking the usb in and saving the report i have worked on all morning in the correct file extension.
stupid pcs, i'll always be an apple man.
i have two minites, 'i race to the printers, jumping over prams, push chairs, racing past women laden down with groceries, pushing through the skool holiday children, the old people, the spectators turn their heads, who is that black figure, with the om sign on his chest, he is some sort of weird superhero, not quite a superman, not quite a spiderman, om man, on a mission, i run, sprinting outside the huge complex down the street towards the chemist clutching my usb stick, turning a corner like the flash at a right angle i am faster than light, carefully trying not to fall over myself i burst through into office works, and hand the man my usb, 'print this, high quality paper white.' i say between gasps of breaths. i'm feeling the effects of endorphins hitting my brain, christ it's amazing, is this what it feels like to be a superhero, om man.
im a few seconds i am racing back to the car, i drive along at the speed of time, i have to get there in minus ten minites, i can do this, the phone rings, 'mission where are you?'
'i'm there, right next to you,' i pull up and race through the front door, barging in upon the crowded table where they all sit staring at me.
i throw the report down on the paper and they pass it around.
'very impressive' someone said.
nods of approval. it's just a piece of paper with writing on, it will just sit in a file somewhere and no one will ever look at it again. i sit down, breath out, om man's identity safe. 
'you could have printed it out here' someone mentions.
it's true, om man got carried away on endorphin high.
'yeah but my entrance would not have been as impressive.'
and thus started the big meeting, words are swapped, stories told, information given and time passes away never to return. i rather be in new mexico. 

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