Sunday, June 24, 2012

orloff, dr. crack, my attorney, my strange enigmatic friend. i surf the galactic highways, i meet beings from every world you can imagine, some pass into the night, some stay and some leave. sometimes you just connect with others, i connected with you deeply, profoundly, you were very intelligent, enough to know the game was just a game, enough to laugh like buddha at our place in the universe, i love your inability to reconcile your best friend was a black jew you loved deeply as much as i love you. 
hanging on in earthly form i know you are gone, with your mystery into the larger one. vale tim clarke.
that raven we saw together, i know what it was, i understood, yesterday evening when i sent that text, the one about the 'university veloceraptors inviting us for dinner' i knew then, i know far to much but that's okay, i don't mind anymore because what is knowing but unknowing, what is an answer without a question. and i am like that now, i'm going to miss you old chap but i am glad we shared such incredible times, you were a kind of brilliant man in a way. another genius, and friend, vale.

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