Monday, March 09, 2009

back from the strange experience of not having a computer, oh how i missed it, i'm addicted to various blogs and sites, i love googling various obscurities and conducting various researches, it's nice to be back on line.
i've been reading vast amounts of stuff, various books which i shall comment upon here:

'america alone' by mark styen is the book everyone needs to read if they are worried about the rise of islamic fascism in the world, it paints a very clear picture as to what's going on but alas it will be ignored due to the fact its politically incorrect and not very conducive to the left wing agenda. mark writes with humor as he rips through the reality everyone is in denial about.

'the devil we know' by robert baer is the polemic opposite of marks book, he recommends that america admit they have lost the war on terror and accept iran as the winners. he plays down the iran nuclear threat and says its all attention seeking and posturing. there's lots of pro iranian stuff in here painting a picture of a country that is willing to embrace some aspects of modernism as long as america treats it fairly.

'the cairo diary' is a novel set in two time periods, the older scenes set in cairo are great reading but the modern ones were awful. not highly recommended.

currently im halfway through dan simmons 'the terror' which i have to say is fantastic, dan always writes brilliant stories, i recently read his first novel, 'song of kali' which is fantastic and a really classic horror story.

okay lets talk global crisis now, it's great that such an event has occurred, the whole system revealed to be an sham, what i find absolutely incredible is the way govts. are throwing more money into a black hole. i'm amazed and shocked at the political impotence, after all now would be a great time to unite the globe and start again. let industry fail, let banks collapse, use the money to invest in renewable and sustainable energies and resources. let the old industry die and the new be born, new jobs, new skills, a generation given a new start. but no we have to steal their future as well. james lovelocks new book, 'the vanishing face of gaia' spells out disaster as we approach tipping point. i don't agree with all of lovelocks ideas but it is obvious that the earth is a living system off which we are part off, the aboriginally know this, the native americans and the south american indians know this and through my intuition and my experiences with ayahuscia i know this.

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