Sunday, August 05, 2007

if ya read my profile thing it acually has a little prose about me, a sort of metaphor for where i was when this whole thing started, my blog i mean, it actually says 'no time for love' well, i have to tell you all, i have plenty of time, i mean fuck. love is where its at.
i lost the love of my life and I'm so sad. i don't think i ever been this sad before.


Anonymous said...

Revisiting old haunts (click, follow link, click follow link, the Time Being etc...) late at night, sorry to read of your sadness. Similar story here, been single for years, met the love of my life 4 years ago but 100 miles and commitments kept us apart, writing to each other almost daily though. The first person in 48 years I completely opened my heart and soul to. Then when I was ready to take the massive plunge of leaving my kids, life and give myself to him totally, he spookily met a woman with the very same birthday, personality and hair colour as me, but no kids or commitments but lived down the road. She now lives with him, he's a writer and now and again I come across something he's written about her and that pang of hurt still bubbles up. But love comes in all shapes and forms, I'm about to start my life over again, sell my house, move to the coast and be the creative artist I always wanted to be. It might fail but I'm fed up of 'what-ifs' and will put all my love into my new house and work, this time it will all be for me. Who knows, I may even meet another soul mate and this time I won't take chances, I'll give myself totally to whatever comes along. This is all me, me, me but sort of understand what you're saying, know that things get better and the sadness fades.....take Pan for long walks along the lovely beaches you've got over there and listen to the sea.....

Anonymous said...

change your profile captain. youve out grown an old skin.
reboot and get ready to love again.