hanging out in heaven with some angels i noticed one was smoking something that looked like a spliff, so with some trepidation i asked if i could have a smoke with them. now most people don't approach angels, they approach you, so these two were somewhat bemused by the strange man who walked into their conversation.
'hey that smells really nice, what is it?'
'fucking ambrosia man.'
so we stand there smoking this shit, it's the strangest taste, slightly sweet, like a nectar, really nice and yet unfamiliar.'
the nephilim are talking about sex with human women, while i am smoking their spliff and attempting to join in the conversation.
'yes they have such a great smell,' i agree.
'it's biologically impressive, such glands produce secretions and they operate on a subconscious level, attraction is different for angels less passionate, yet with humans sex is incredible.'
'pheromones have a lot to answer for. they got me here.' i add, 'jealous husband.'
'mmm angels do not suffer the emotional conflicts of humans, pass me that please.'
'shit man if i had this weed i wouldn't chase girls. this is great. it's very chilling, i feel like i've swallowed half a bottle of valium.'
'passion is a drug for us angels.'
'yeah i heard that you nephilim get a bit naughty with human girls.'
'human girls can't resist us and if they do we care not.'
they laughed suddenly i felt very uncomfortable, i made my excuses.
'yeah dude.' thanks for the smoke.'
i wander away, my head filled with strange thoughts about these creatures.
i walk towards the bar, heaven has a great bars, thank god.
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