Wednesday, August 30, 2023

the death card equates the finality of something and the beginning of another. it is not necessary a negative card, in fact there are no negative cards only negative perspectives. a. the principle the humanization principle of death is an endless series of transformations into a new life, the dance of death: . b. skeletons and scythes during the middle ages death was identified with saturn and skeletons because it was only regarded as a destroyer, and thus, is the archenemy of mankind. the soul is immortal, but it is connected to life as our body, and that is exactly the form that death destroys. life and death, before and even now, are not considered to be parallel but are seen as victims of each other. however, because the scythe is in the hands of the dead hanging on the threads of life itself, we realize that it is the cycle of death and rebirth. on another level, the scythe is a crescent moon, corresponding to hecate – a Greek god of death, miracles, and magic. c. hemet (crown of Osiris) saturn as a reaper reflects our fear of death. however, we should not equate it with actual death. the helmet on the head of the skeleton is the crown named atef of osiris, an egyptian god of the afterlife. he, the husband of isis, became a victim of his brother’s lie, seth. seth tore him into fourteen pieces (there are many sources that claim to have twenty-seven pieces). however, the god anubis collected all the pieces, and isis awakened her beloved husband to a new life. from this beginning, osiris became the master of the domain of death in the west and was the guardian of the water of life. may osiris someday give me the water fresh. we see the same thing in legal traditions. the preacher tells of the journey into the world below, where they face demons within them who literally tear their flesh from the bones. after symbolic death is always a rebirth, and following the cutting of flesh is a miraculous advance to enter a new body.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

crisp morning, slow warm kick start as the heat begins to rise. basking in the sunshine at dawn as the world passes me by. my mind is still and clear, i have a lot to do today, but that's okay i must create a space for things to fall into. i have managed to get everything i want, nothing is out of reach anymore, mentally, physically and emotionally. spiritually i have ascended the requirements of need. the universe not only loves me, it holds me. the water is cold, something like shock but not quite, a slight mental aclimatisation. you would be surprised how many bodies are in the water, no wetsuits as winter comes to an end. no waves but it feels bright and clear, as every cell awakens to extra visionary spectrums. later warming my body in the sun i read 'marigold' well past the halfway point as things reach a climax. on return to mission control i have to juggle around a few finacial streams, buy a few suppiles, do some low maintence prep. i'm convinced that bill gates is an evil man now, there is nothing redeeming about him or his associates, every act he makes betrays his inhumanity. i hear he now wants to cut down trees and bury them, and along with his polluting the skies with mirrors and lazers i figure his ambitions are basically designed to kill as many people as possible, not to mention his deathly vaccines. however the war is spiritual and must be faught on a spiritual level as well in the dynamic realm. i gaze out towards my garden, the jungle encrouching inwards upon me, and i come to the conclusion it is time to hack back, as it inches closer towards the house. i have to cull the tiger grass and some of the branches above me, take some cuttings from the insane rubber plant and strip back the bannana trees. then there's the front garden, i contemplate some hardcore landscaping, replanting some of the huge frens and stripping back the foilage on the maple plant that spreads its way across everything.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

ha! i arrive home late last night only to find my pond empty, there is still a leak and i have located it somewhere in the stream. fortuantly my hardy fish survived existing in a small pool of accumulated water left after the pump evacuated all water that it could manage. i turn off the pump and refil the pond again, call my pool man who will visit in the week. the day saw me heading into the city with some work people, i picked up an interesting book on NASA i'm looking forwards to reading. currently i am halfway through 'maringold' a sort of eco lovecraftian dectective story about a city based around toronto where corperate greed and post capitalism exploits all the residents one way or the other, the technology of the future becomes gothic, the charachters fated to an inexplicable encounter with the strange fungal intelligence that lays underneath their city, slowley rising and becoming known, commnicating and manifestting upon the surface as some kind of recognisable form. our two female investigators under the employee of the sinister govt dept and part private company start their investigation into the labyryth of sinkholes and subterranean infrastructure that lays beneath the city as the most powerful invididuals plot their neferious plans. the book takes the main theme and divides it against tennents inhabiting the marigold by siute number, each tennent being integral to the story although none exactly likable charachters as their tragectories converge. it's a good story, well written and paced and has some great observations about the decline of the west.

Friday, August 25, 2023

after a long abscense i reconnect with my pond man, who has arrived just in time to save my fish. a few months ago i noticed a loss of water and by a process of deduction concluded something was amiss in the stream. i had to turn the pump off to avoid loosing water which meant my fish would be in a still pond with very little flow except for rainfall. as it's been a very warm and sunny winter this what far from ideal yet unexpectedly the fish have survived much longer than i thought but have now reached a precarious stage. most of the area is now inaccessable by me, and overgrown. at the back of my mind i was thinking this may be it for the whole enterprise, i could just fill up the hole, plant some nice flowers and buy some beehives. that's when pond man shows up. we rework some electrical stuff from my bedroom to the outside area where we afix a new outdoor power source. then a general tidy up from all the massive ferns that have overgrown the front garden, hanging over the pond, their wild tendrils extending outwards and everywhere, blocking access over the small bridge. we actually have to pull out a number of them, really enormous one and then a reconstruction of the stream, and restarting the pump. all labourious, and all complex work but everything seems to fall into place and we manage to complete the task. happy fish. happy me. all i need is an outdoor setting where i can sit in the sun, weed and read. mission control has transformed itself totally inside and out, looking much more spacious and uncluttered in the main areas. there's still a lot of work to do but i hope to have everything finished by xmas. my next big job is cleaning windows, that should brighten it up a bit for all my indoor plant life. everything seems to be coming along reasonably well, there's a big dip in my fanances but i don't think it will last long, perhaps saturday will see everything rectify itself as i have incoming from an unexpected source. i don't want to do anything extravegent, move or buy property, in fact i just want to continue doing whatever i am doing which is training, working, reading. there is always at the back of my mind the horror of mandates.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

finished reading the apparition phase, which held me captive for a few days and nights. the story revolves around a young man and his sister who i guess are very young old skool goths, showing an early interest in the occult and general spookyness. they play a trick upon a skoolmate and unleash as strange series of events that quickly propel the young man into investigations in an old house that may or may not host a ghost. is the ghost a manifestation of emotional energy, is it genuine? the story was great, set in the late 70's i related to a few iconic observations. it's well written, and takes a few twists but the conclusion is unusal and slightly disappointing. none the less there's a unsettling feeling as you turn that last page which is what a good ghost story should offer its reader.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

my training is coming along well, loosing more fat as i do my excersises and this morning at dawn i was on the beach playing beach vollyball. it was somewhat choatic as most of the players had not played and i had never played since i lived in the usa 35 years ago. i always loved beach vollyball as it was casual, playful and i happened to be really good at it. now i am a bit rusty but after about 40 mins of shambolic playing we all began to find our way and the last 30 ministes had some amazing volleys. it was a glorious winters day, the sun glowing pinky red over the ocean and although the sand was cold the water was warm. lot's of laughter, lots of excersise, lots of joy. back home i needed to do laundry and gardening, there has been no time for anything except work the last few months but today i made the most of it. the lower parts of mission control are slowly taking shape. it's looking pretty good now. the kitchen needs work as does the upper part of the house but steady as she goes. i've finished reading jim carey's memories and misinformation, very good in parts although like jim carey dosn't know when to moderate itself. i must admit i loved some of it, the writing was exquisite and his story was excellently put together but the ending became tedious.

Friday, August 18, 2023

yawn. time to update you on some political stuff, if you know me well you will know there are a few things about me that will assist you understand my take upon most of human kinds endeavours into politics. here's some core tenants of mine: all ideologies are false constructs but some are better than others, the measurement on value is determined by the amount of freedom the ideology allows the individual, there must be a moral code humanity follows but it also must be in harmony with freedom of the individual. the state has no place in our personal lives. currently it must be acknowledges western governments are far more fascist than democratic. the pharma / military / industrial complex runs the world at the moment, they are the united nations, world health organization and they all act as an octopus with tentacles in almost all levels of the institutions including law and education. the current western world is easily defined under mussolini’s version of fascism, that being corporations work in league with governments. okay here’s my current evaluation. the virus was created by the american military in china under gain of function which is basically bio warfare. it was leaked to undermine the American election thus granting biden the presidency, trump was the threat to the deep state. biden is being run by obama and it will be michelle who is thrust into the nominations when biden steps down for health reasons. obviously, an idiot like kamila harris cannot be president, the dem’s know this. also the war in ukraine is becuase russia does not want american bioweapons on it's border. if you listen to putins speeches he is an articulate intelligent man, far more intelligent than any leader in the west. i don't like him, he's was a thug and is ex kgb but in this conflict he is correct. the war in ukraine is being fed by the usa and london who want war. a small nuke war would suit their ambitions as then they can scrap the debt- ridden economies which they have plunged us into and replace it with central digital banking. this means they can program the currency and adopt a public credit system like the one used in china. and oh yes, that vaccine you took will kill about a third of the people that took it. the whole point of them ties in with the new governmental model of transhumanism. the survivors will own nothing and be happy, like a good little serf. i have been writing about this for over two decades, attempting to inform people how dangerous these things are for people who love ‘independent thinking.’ i’ve been called racist, fascist, paranoid, conspiracy theorist but the facts are i have been correct. this war is what i call ‘spiritual war’ where the forces of power and control are pitted against the forces of freedom. anything else is a white noise. the signal is clear. if you disbelieve me, unplug from mainstream media. clear and clean your mind. war is coming. war is here. your masters have made us hate one another, citizen of this country hates citizen of that. russians are banned from preforming, russians are the villans becuase media says so, president joe tells you what to think becuase you invested in his team, just like you invested in 'the science.' left against right, children against parent, man against woman. while we fight our neighbours they take more and more from us, more money, more time, more health, more freedom, more blood. wake up! it's the zombie apocolypse.

Monday, August 14, 2023

midnight sydney autralia, driving home along the wakehurst parkway i'd play this loud with the windows down, drinking in the summer night, smoking a refer heading home. feeling good, the new world opening out just in the penumbra of my headlights. anything could happen, anything could happen. and it did.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

gone to the mystery, vale robbie roberston. my life changed so much after hearing this album, like a great alighment coming into being. it was the mystery awakening me to who i am. the pieces were still a puzzle but they were forming a picture. i loved the whole album, i played it until it was exhuasted and i was certain. on the outro, 'we don't sing those sings no more' i felt a longing, a calling that i could not answer for several years but it was there deep within. here's the whole album for those that care:

Monday, August 07, 2023

well i would have loved to have been wrong but it is now obvious to pretty much everyone the vaccinations are very dangerous and don't work at all against covid. it's amazing how many people attacked me for my stance, how people vilified me and treated me as if i were some sort of anti human selfish prick who didn't care about anyone else because i was dead against the shot. most people had no idea i was jabbed up, thanks to mandates, but that didn't stop them acting more like fascists pushing propaganda that would have made goebbles proud. it was never about health, it was all about control and fear and almost the whole planet fell for it. i can't help but feel 'angry' towards, the medical model, the political model the media and pharma industrial complex who are in fact the military industrial complex (it is not rocket science to find this stuff out, just don't watch tv or trust your stupid govt. use your mind and change it because if you can't, what's it for) all those stupid masks - did you really believe a fucking paper mask can stop a virus? really? forgive me for pointing out the obvious but it's like a fishing net used to catch a tadpole. was there really a virus? when rage against the machine said if you were unvaxed you were not allowed to attend their concerts without a vax passport did they realise they became the machine? did all the zombies who preached to me, 'follow the science, follow the science' not understand they were not following any science but the propaganda of the institutions. science invites questions, it never bans an opposing theory because if it did we would still think earth is the centre of the universe. if you have not cottoned on, if you have not understood your govt. left, right, green or fucking yellow don't fucking care about you then i guess you are already dead. lockdowns! vaccine passports! the leaking of matt hancocks texts prove what a fucking racket it was, all based upon fear and testing the population of earth, because now you can't stop what's coming. covid lockdowns and restrictions, wait till you feel the global warming lockdowns and restrictions, covid was just the test run and we failed.

Friday, August 04, 2023

last night i whizz over to avoca beach cinema and theatre to catch steve's solo show. yes i have seen it many times, many different places but avoca is a beautiful venue and has a great atmosphere plus steve always puts on an excellent preformance and then there's the songs. and as an extra bonus i usually laugh at his antics stories and anadotes which i'm sure he tones down for the public. all in all it's a great way to spend an evening and last night was no different. as he plays the singles from his early back catalouge i marvel at how he has transformed them into very lovely sounding tunes, just him singing and playing an acustic. which is not his main instrument, he is after all a bass player. yet ther's something very mezmerizing as these songs we know and love are all transformed into intimate re workings. the highlights for me are always the 'heyday' songs and of course, 'priest = aura' although yesterday to everyones delight he did a very beautiful version of 'milky way.' i was lucky as i sat in the front listening, laughing and loving the whole experience, very grateful to be alive, to be witnessing one of the few preformers that actually give me pleasure, and i respect. a lady next to me sat with her duaghter and told me she loved the church becuase of steve's writing and i agreed. those words were never just songs, they were poetic, literate and intelligent. i must confess i really wanted to see steve after the show but i was still feeling very toxic from my plastic expereince, 'plastique mission' and by the end of the evening my throat was aching and speech was difficult so i left prematurely. on the way out a woman had passed out in the mens bathroom, just as i attempted to walk through the door. old mission's first aid training kicks in, and i dash down to check breathing and put her into recovery. outside a few people introduce themselves, they have travelled all the way from paramatta and ask what band i am in. we chat a bit about music in the 80's and australian bands i heard when i lived in london, the only one i really was interested in was the church. i liked some hoodoo guru stuff and talk about the time i saw bowie with icehouse as his opening band. they start reminising about the models and inxs and i slip away from these friendly people, content i picked the right band. the only band that matters (sorry clash) the church.

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

unspeakable angels, they huant the inbetween, like etherial ghosts looking for form, like dispatched messages waiting to be recieved. they float the stratosphere and gaze down upon old pangea, a sea of boiling, a land mass frozen, no signs of life, no signs at all. it's another planet waiting to give birth, a perculating mass of fire and ice forming vapour trails that lead you nowhere. and in time it may come to pass after light, land and ocean forms, there came a kingdom where plant and animal roam, a tranquil garden just like old eden, before man is conceived came the first heathen. i looked downwards pleased, the strange fish and insect. i liked the bird song that sung, in and out right among and through the jungles, some were emerald and others blue, crimson and aureolin. such a feast to behold, a many splendored thing indeed. i lay upon my cloud and closed my eyes satified. i blessed all my work, with freedom and choice. and when i awoke, the biped was there, playing with fire, promethus yet again, had to steal the secret code. i begged him and her, i said be here now my lambs. but these monkeys were deceptive, agents of chaos and greed. oh how they stole from me, all that is true and all that came free, i watched so helplessly as they took more than they need. built cages around the free, and even around their own sleves. i watched in open eyed horror as the great deceivers waged war upon, themselves and me. all becuase they could not see, the division was a lie. all becuase the ego remained dominating like a false god as they rose to conquer everything except themselves.