Sunday, June 09, 2024

the ass has fallen out of the modern world, and as i read it's entrails i just see the looming death throes as populations just cannot get to grips with reality of what has occurred in the last decade although i have been watching it's decent since 1988. now i understand it goes back further to the jfk assassination when the cia or deep state started to influence politics domestically and internationally. but it goes back even further if one wants to follow the subtle machinations of the deep state, who are basically nazi's. hear me out.

many of the western leaders were very sympathetic to hitler, in fact they openly supported him, especially in regards to two things, eugenics and jews. the queen of england can be seen parading around as a young girl sieg heilling with her parents on the lawn. the ruling classes still clung to empire and saw the lower classes as uneducated workers, cannon fodder and petty criminals. the only reason the uk went to war against hitler was because the majority of people (the public)  opposed him,  the govt. had already attempted to make peace given the uk was to be under british rule after the conquest of europe. the evidence is in folks, the establishment loved hitler. 

business loved him to, the industrial machine saw his technocratic possibility to embrace the machine. the nazi's are described as a well oiled machine. and they were, a mass of moving parts all focused upon conquest and death towards gypsies, people with disabilities including autism, gays and jews. i defy anyone who disagrees with me to walk through yad vashem and come out unscathed. the pope declined. the royal family declined, i'm sure roger waters would too.

the one thing europe would love to do is wash it's hands of the shame, but it is history. churchill was not a good guy, he was forced into accepting the british public's perception of hitler and began to see an opportunity for himself,  hence he never liberated any death camp, he left that to the russians and americans. 

after europe and usa entered the war, lines were drawn, and by it's imagined conclusion, as new lines were drawn it was russia that became the enemy, communism. 

germany, england and the usa all had one enemy now, hence the ratlines, operation paperclip and the show trial of nuremberg where only a handful were brought to trial, the rest just given high ranking positions in nato or nasa. just look at the children of these nazis, now holding office in governments in america and canada, and their recent history is one of colour revolution, fascism and dictatorship. ie victoria nuland and chrystina freeland. 

the bankers that supported the nazi's were not jewish bankers, they were swiss, swedish, english and american, not run by jews. that's a fact. at this point in times jews could not join a country club let alone be allowed to run a bank.

the nazi machine, the national socialists merged with the international socialist agenda in recent times, taking great inspiration from china a country that really is a well oiled machine where the communist party control their population with technology, death camps and strict conditions like social credits. hence various leaders in the west who publicly admire china. a society where the people serve the government. 

nowadays we see how these technocrats control media, run propaganda and cancel it's enemies in the most brutal 'disguised as civilized' ways. 

cancel culture, racist, sexist, denier... all these labels carry with them a certain gravity if contemporary  'society' labels you this. i have been labeled all of them although i can't be cancelled as i am not a media head or famous. however as soon as i get to many followers i will be. as soon as i begin to influence you in the counter narrative i will be a threat. i am banned in china so that's a start.

free speech. while i hear many people speak about the need to control or limit free speech those same people always allow for one exception, the jews who are hated by the left and the right, blamed for all the ills upon the world. far to powerful a people for to small a percentage. they rule the world, wars, banks, american the media, it never ceases, on and on, a pointless pathology of lies, envy and misdirection, for as soon as it suits either side, the word antisemitism is used as if they actually cared about jews. unfortunately most jews can't see they are just pawns in a larger game, and they are just as lost at sea as most other people. the info war is wide, and deep. there's a rule for the internet called rule 34 which states 'internet porn exists for every topic.'

it's variations are:

rule 34. there is porn of it

rule 34. if it exists there is porn of it.

rule 34. if you can imagine it it exists as internet porn

rule 34. if it exists there is a subreddit devoted to it

it's corollaries are:

rule 35. the exception to rule 34 is the citation of rule 34

rule 35. if there is no porn, it will be made

rule 36. there will always be more fucked up shit than what you just saw

so if we tweak the rule to a few more obviously noticeable numbers

rule 3. it's always the jews even when it's not

rule 3a. if it's negative relative to the readers own ideology, it's always the jews

rule 3b. eventually some jews even think it's the jews

rule 3c. it takes only 3 comments in before jews are mentioned.


rule 4. jews are interchangeable with isreal

that's basically the facts. cancel me, but the facts remain.

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