Thursday, March 09, 2023

the surf has been excellent, up at dawn for a couple of hours, catching perfect waves endlessly basking in negative ions, ironing out the crinkles in my psyche and building my resistance to the energy from saturn, dealing with pluto which has also moved into pisces. i'm friends with pluto so i don't really mind a little bit of pluto but i don't wanna get all self pitying and over sensitive emotionally. every wave brings me closer, each arc of water obliterates the tangled web of contradictions, my pathway ascends before me once again. it truely is made of light. 
my shoulder is better although not fully healed.
the builders return for one last day, just to fix their mistakes. i did loose my temper with them but they have come to complete the job, tidy up their mess. to be honest it will take them 2 hours but first i had to remove a cockroach that had got inside. they were petrified of the thing. i understand i felt the same way about the massive stick insect.

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