that's the name of the game this morning, the general theme. my centrifugal force sends everything away, i'm so worn out and jaded my vain attempts to reach out fail and i clasp at thin air. passengers refuse to sit with me, or if they do in a matter of moments they move away, far away, people disembark as my repulsion drive kicks in, even the street dwellers i pass each morning and night, at central station avoid me, hiding under blankets, ignoring me, i'm without a place now, a refuge, a man who cannot touch another warm creature, even the dog sense my failure when i climb up the balcony steps.
my back bone is broken in three places, i can feel the bad joints, sharp pains and tensions, even breathing seems strained as i wheeze and groan my way through my responsibilities. it's not until a hot shower that i begin to feel like i was once human. can't sleep through the day, theres to much noise, to much light, to much intrusion so i find myself being driven to manly where i trawl the old book shops and wait for my friend to get their tarot cards read. he comes out all weeping and emotional, the future can do that sometimes. i chose not to have a reading, i'm vulnerable enough, don't need some whisperings up the timeline to unsettle me, just a few hours of sleep will restore my fragile aura.
home again i fall asleep fast, like a spent force, uselessly outliving it's need, the void swallows me up and i am grateful to follow the rest of the day... out.
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