Thursday, August 15, 2024

 i pop in for dinner at some friends, andrew and monique, they have invited me over to their groovy pad the next beach along. i have been there once during the daylight a week ago, to pick up firewood. but at night google maps has misdirected me, i'm close but driving around through very narrow side streets in the pouring rain. eventually i get there, two minites late. i didn't know what to bring, wine or weed so i brought both. 

now this is a very cool home, it's multileveled in the bush, overlooking a panoramic view of avoca. the ouse is perfect, huge great big rooms, adorned with large art pieces and sculptures, there's a lot of space and a huge balcony. 

we grab some umbrellas and have a bbq in the rain. well we actually just cook food on the bbq, we eat it around a very elegant table where we swap stories. politics, art, ufo's and aliens, shamanics and law. it's a fantastic evening, i can feel the hash cookie i'd taken this afternoon kicking in, and i only licked the spoon, not even had a bite. this is a fresh batch and i think they will be very good, however i have to test them. 

we listen to some live jazz in the lounge room, yeah live. and then we have affragattos.

the food was perfect, i loved it all. what a gorgeous feast, and gorgeous company. these people are very cool, and they have done a great job raising their very talented and sound kids. 

i drive home, it's still raining, the foggy roads, the headlamps hit the wild bush, it shimmers and pulses with life and vitality after rain, and i see everything is alive and growing, nature is winning here, it feeds my soul and makes me happy.

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