Sunday, August 18, 2024

it's unusual for me to read female writers, i'm usually disappointed by most of them, possibly as they write like females and it's obvious whereas silva moreno garcia is blowing my mind with her dark tale of two friends in 90's mexico city who come across a old washed up horror film director and a story about a possessed film that was left unfinished financed by a nazi occultist. 

here's a writer that knows it's horror movies, knows the occult and it's weird practitioners, here's a writer who develops real characters, flawed and believable. silvia has written an extraordinary book. it's riveting and filled with homage to a  sub genre of film history. 

the only criticism is the magick system at work within it needed more development although the magick is accurate in most parts there's a degree of fiction which was unnecessary. i guess i don't think of magick as electrical energy although the analogy has been made before.

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