Monday, March 12, 2012

seven types of ingenuity confronted me and no time to consider my options, i was in the paradox trap where indecisiveness as a side effect held me in its sway. while the first ingenuity went for my eye robbing me of sight, the second turned me inside out, the third wiped the memory banks clean the fourth replaced them with terror, next came the void that worked its way around my chest like a worm eating through an apple quickly followed by the knowledge i was alone. but the last evil ingenuity was the illusion i was given of freedom for it felt so real, for so long.
when they let me go i was on my knees, feeling my way around, they said there would be a way out but it may take lifetimes to find it, thus i remained in my personal discord, frittering away the painful day, wasting the night times attempting to fill the void with vague propositions. 
chance, with her strange long fingers, the hand of fate with it's slippery grip manipulated, pulling strings. i followed my instincts down dead end streets, i hacked hard, finding codes and emblems that led me into mazes within mazes, i spoke to everyone i came across, i asked children and men, i asked animals, fishes and birds. i even asked trees and plants and one day i asked all the gods, the one's that rule the seas and the ones that rule the skies but they laughed at me like like i was a punch line in their killing joke. i asked witches, wizards, warlock and even the grand wazoo, but they offered me a bucket of hammers and a sack of onions in some folk lore bargain basement bin.
the pain of my earthly body was nothing compared to the torment inside my head, and despairingly i succumbed to the idea i would have to surrender. for even the best knight can only quest for so long.
so i found myself by a river bank, under a willow, i sat there and closed my eyes and dreamed myself to sleep.
and in my dream all was found, the answer and the peace, all was clear, for there is no answers only the questing.
when upon soon after i found myself again confronted by the paradox trap i accepted my fate without anxiety, no indecisiveness, just gratitude and acceptance. 
i have no eyes but i have vision.
there is no self or i.
in the eternal now, only a naked moment, memory is but a veil.
terror is only the limit of fear.
the void is dark but it does not matter, it's depths are incalculable and elegant and light will eventually fill it.

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