Wednesday, May 22, 2024

wow, back to work and my motivation is very low, it's hard to get into the swing of things. it's nice seeing everyone but it's the same old same old and i'm really doing things i don't like doing anymore, it feels different, i feel different. maybe i need time.

it's very cold here at the moment but each morning i head to the beach to bask in the sunlight, enjoy a cheap healthy breakfast and coffee and read a few chapters. it's very quiet, peaceful. i like this type of tranquility, nature. it feels really good. 

i don't have much happening now, the garden needs a bit of a prune, the boxes of books i want to sell need selling, mission control needs a slight declutter, my kitchen needs to be tidied up.  with the kitchen i may get wild childe to help, she's very good at this sort of thing whereas i seem to have a mental block. anyways there are things to keep me busy. i wonder why i need to be busy at the moment, and apart from keeping warm it may be to just prepare for winter. 

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