Thursday, May 23, 2024

eros zeta and the perfumed guitars. it arrived in london on my last week but no one has cd players anymore so i waited until i arrived back at mission control and listened to it with my usual church ritual. 

some music is sacred isn't it. you can't just play it at a dinner party or while your busy doing something else, the church need full attention preferably an altered state of some kind. weed is perfect, it always has been my way of listening to a church new release. 

the overall sound is typical but lusher and mellower than usual, intricate and layered in sublime energies, yeah all that usual jazz and along with steves' words, it's easy to retreat into my happy place. 

what's different, it's much more experimental, a very nice acoustic type ring to it, there's a oriental continental rhythmic authenticity,  i'm picking up that this music from the future was recorded in an exotic environment, there's a strange kind of evenness around it that completes it, some sort of continuity i like. steves vocals goes places new and interesting, some great literary lines and that unique delivery pushing even further into the idea of a song. 

i love music that takes me somewhere and each song moves me into the freedom of my own imagination, a vast cosmos with no boundaries, no limits, steves' lyrics are the subliminal framework for details while the music forms the dark matter, or something like that. who knows why this affects me the way it does, there's a consistant beauty to the album, it's perfect as far as albums go, and easy to drown within. i think that's sublimation.

i don't want to list individual songs, it's impossible to dissect them to  components, this is a concept and holistic feel. songs from the hypnoguage. a nested album. it's a new frontier for the sound of the church. very original and fresh, apparently it comes with side effects but all i can say is i'm lost in it, and quite happy to stay that way.

often i wonder what can the church do next to surprise me, after all i've heard it all, every song, every incarnation, and then they surprise me. more than surprise, they affect me on a deep emotional level, it's almost like watching your children being born. overwhelmingly beautiful. a miracle. god knows we need them, even tiny ones like a new church cd and i am filled with gratitude.  

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