Saturday, May 25, 2024

one week later, i'm not enjoying the cold but soaking up sun with my solar panelled skin,  i stay isolated and keep my head down, no point in drawing attention to the zombies. i discover a groovy new breakfast place, it's off the beaten track and cheap as chips. i read, lean and tidy and ponder how i can remove tons of books i seem to have collected over the years i don't need. my nose is freezing and i hunt around for my blue mountains scarf to wrap myself in. 

i ponder getting the train into the city today, after all it's the first night of vivid and if i wrap up i can bear it but the clouds and threatened rain deter me from any rash moves, maybe home with some movies would be a better alternative, after all tomorrow i have a big day, heading out to look at a new car on my way to work. i like my current car a lot except for the colour which really is no reason to get a new car at all. i don't like the fact is don't have a cd player at all but apparently all new cars no longer have them. that's a sort of depressing fact really.

i feel very out of place, all my technology is outdated, i need new stuff but what's the point, it just gets outdated fast and no longer operational. this built in time limit makes everything disposable, everything cheap and nasty. i can see why the main reational in life is to unplug and get of the grid as much as possible. however to do this you need a lot of money and resources.

my needs are simple, i need warmth, sunlight, blue skies, healthy food and good surf in warm waters. and a cd player.

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