Friday, May 31, 2024

well written, entertaining and poignant, yellowface looks at the culture wars. it's light and funny with a heavy heart as a young writer steals the manuscript of her best friend and rival. it's absurd and strangely reflects the age we seem to be in where it's almost taboo for a writer to inhabit a perspective from another culture. in this case the white american has stolen and published a book about an event in chinese american history. the publishing industry is as fickle as every other 'art' industry and with the internet it's not long before someone 'busts' our heroine for being a fake. it's not even important that she may or may not be a fake, what is important is the social media is where witches are burnt if they stray to far from the collective reality, a type of madness. it's an easy read for a plane trip, something sad about watching (reading) about a celebrities fall from grace but if you stick your head to far above the water, someones going to shoot it.

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