Wednesday, April 30, 2014

inclement morning, rain beating down the suburb of woy woy where everyone looks like they are involved in crack deals, suspicious whispers in cafes over tepid half drunk cappuccinos and lonely figures standing with hands in pockets in water drenched side streets, a localised zombie apocalypse. 
i slip through the second hand book shop where a helpful bibliophile assists me locate a certain book i have been tracking, it's called 'sacred mushroom and the cross' by john marco allegro and the youthful assistant actually had a well worn copy but it was so expensive i had to leave it sitting there near the elaine pagels gnostic writings. it's much cheaper on the net so perhaps next pay day i will buy a copy from amazon and have it delivered by drone to me.
the rain makes my garden grow, the weeds i pulled out the other day are grown back but at least my fern looks vibrant and healthy after my killing of it with kindness, never again will i water my garden. i never knew the chemicals in tap water kill ferns.
as i sit down to file my report the sun begins to pierce through dense cloud, some blue skies appear as the curtain of nimbus clouds part.

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