Wednesday, May 03, 2023

not much surf this morning, i don't even bother as there is so much i have to do. i realise i double booked my appointment for tomorrow so i have to call the chiropractor i met yesterday and reschedule. 
i've learnt to cook my spinach breakfast so i don't need to go out for breakfast anymore, but coffee is always perfect out watching waves. im getting into a danger zone re: books buying books i already have, it's time to have a book sale i think, as soon as everything in the house is in order. 
the next step is to get the roof leak fixed, i have arranged someone to do it, not the afghans. they were hopeless, probably should never have encouraged them, the work they did was terrible and unfinished and they still don't return calls. so that's that!
it's not like there is much to do, all i need is an hour of painting the skirting board where the leak damaged it.
the pond stream is about to be fixed, for some reason that's also leaking plus the garden needs doing again. jesus, can't keep up with it all. not to mention my kitchen and the second bathroom that requires a new toilet, and the new bathroom which needs a tap adjustment.  
my first few days back at work are strange, i don't feel very committed anymore, just detached from it as no one seems to care, nothing has changed and in many ways the clients behaviours have got worse. i probably will begin to look at alternatives.

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