Wednesday, May 10, 2023

i watched my first life instant gran show of steve's on monday, tuned into see one of my faves, 'aura' being played by sk as he moved in and out, sung perfectly and played his mighty acoustic. it was a great little show, really intimate and cool. i missed all the previous shows due to my technological disability, but this time i planned it all out and got some support from a tech guru.

steve also mentioned a few mutual friends and spoke about the hardships they faced, it was touching. i kinda feel the same way, i wanna help, cure, save people but i am just a mortal druid on my own journey attempting to do my best, mostly failing, i can't even save myself. anyhow, it was a lovely evening and i must thank sk for his generosity. i don't think any rock star i can think of is so devoted to his people. he did mentioned his singing style adopting a more bowie technique and did a quick impression, i don't see it myself, steve has his own voice but many people seem to have commented on the change in vocal style. i guess people once said that about me, so maybe you do wear your influences. 

i had the day off today and expected to fix up my ceiling, the leak seems to have been sealed but now i need the interior fixed up and painting. however i got called into work. can you believe it? so i did some shuffling and my new handyman will come on saturday instead.

my week is getting filled up, chiropractor, boxing, city trip all looming. once this week is over i can return to some semblance of routine again. there is still the ongoing movement of books from one space to another, a massive task that may take months to complete. i have cleaned out the shelving in my bedroom and plan on a little shuffle. the fact i scored a stall at a local market is great news, i can offload my surplus and make some cash, plus i like markets. i'll post details later and you can pop in, if you mention the secret code, i will give you a free book.

well i am kinda content at the moment, everything looking positive despite winter coming, it's two months of bitter coldness once the sun goes down but at least it's been dry so far. plus i am healthy, in fact healthier than ever, my energy is excellent, my body slim and trim, my sleeping is great, my diet is excellent although i do need teeth work you gotta count yer blessings.


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